You can create custom reports if the standard reports do not meet your needs. This feature allows you to include only the columns or fields that you need. You may also limit the number of policies returned by setting specific criteria for any or all fields.
Steps to Create a Custom Report
1. Double-click on the Custom Reports node appearing in the Report Tree.
2. Select a report from Choose a Report to Start With. If you want to start with a blank canvas, choose Custom Report. Otherwise, choose an existing report as a template.
3. Select any columns you want to add to your custom report from the Available Columns list.
4. You can change the display order of columns by selecting fields in the Columns to Be Displayed list and using the top, bottom, up, and down buttons. You can save the report at this time or you can apply advanced criteria.
5. Click the next button to set any advanced criteria. Double-click on any field appearing in the Columns to Be Displayed list. Click on the dropdown appearing in the comparison field and choose any item from the list (such as Equal To or Greater Than). Then type a value in the Condition field.
6. You may continue to add additional criteria for any additional columns by following the steps above. Choose either AND or OR from the AND/OR field for each additional criterion added.
7. When you have completed the report, click Save As and type in the name of the new report. Click Go to load the new custom report.
8. Once you have created a custom report, you may run it at any time by clicking on Custom Report in the tree. Select the report name from the dropdown box and click Go. You can also access custom reports by clicking on the Load Custom Report icon on the toolbar.