The match identifier indicates which parts of the address were successfully matched during the geo-coding process. It also indicates how precise the latitude and longitude coordinates assigned to the match address are. The match identifier contains ten characters that each represents a different part of the address.
An example of a match identifier is S5HPNTSCZA.
The first two characters indicate the precision of the point (coordinates) assigned to the matched address. . The most precise point commercially available is assigned to the address. S8, S7, S6, and S5 are more precise than other points. S1 is the least precise point available.
S8: Matched to a known address with exact latitude/longitude coordinates for each address.
S7: Matched to an interpolated point along the address’ street segment.
S6: Matched to a point ZIP centroid. A point code represents PO Box ZIPs and other unique ZIPs such as a single site, building, or organization.
S5: Street interpolated points
S4: Street centroid point
S3: Postal centroid point for a zip + 4
S2: Postal centroid point for a zip + 2
S1: Postal centroid point for a zip code
** The word centroid means the point is at the geometric center of the street or zip code.
If Premium Pro Allocator is able to match part of an address exactly, a letter will appear in the match identifier at the position corresponding to that part of the address. If an exact match could not be found, a dash will appear instead. For example the street name Capital and Capitol are not considered an exact match. If all parts of an address match except for the street name, the match identified may look like: S5HP-TSCZA
The remaining match identifier is as follows:
H – House Number
P – Street Prefix
N – Street Name
T – Street Type
S – Street Suffix
C – City Name
Z – Zip Code