Tax Calendar Help

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Calendar Options

Additional Options for Calendar can be accessed by selecting Options from the Enterprise Tools Menu in any product or module. Tools>Options>Calendar Options




From the Calendar Options tab, administrative users can set an internal due date for all items for a specific company. Choose the number of days prior to the statutory due date and click Set New Date.


By default, the Calendar displays items based on their due date.  However, each user can opt to have the calendar display items based on the internal due date.


You can choose to export calendar items by the due date or the internal due date. If you import those items into Outlook, you can choose to set a reminder for those items.


You also have the option to group municipal returns so that all municipal returns, for each module and tax year, display as one entry in the date list in Calendar instead of a separate entry displaying for each individual municipal return.


Click Apply for any changes to take effect.



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