Municipal Company Options

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North Dakota

South Carolina


Each state has a different set of options in the Company Options tab under Tools>Options. If options are not available for a state module, the Company Options tab does not appear. These options change the way returns are calculated. Tools>Options>Company Options




Generate a single return and payment request payable to RDS. If you would like to have only one return and one check that combines the total amount due for all cities that use RDS to collect, you may use this option. All municipal returns payable to RDS will be deleted. Returns will also be deleted on future updates, should a municipality subsequently join RDS.




If fees set by city exceed AL Statutes, use fee set by statute. Some cities indicate issuance fee, flat fee and tax rates that exceed those set in statute and the Business License Reform Act. If you select this option, Premium Pro Municipal will generate a maximum tax capped by statute. The population figures utilized to determine flat fee will be based on the 10 year Census. To see a list of cities affected by this option, review the following topic in the return instructions: Taxes and Fees which are Out of Compliance with Statutes.


The following options will affect how flat fees and issuance fees are calculated for the Other than Fire tax. Generating a flat fee will also generate an issuance fee:


Generate other than Fire flat fee when tax is rounded down to zero and display option is dollar. If you are calculating returns in whole dollars, the Other than Fire and Marine Tax can be rounded down to zero. Selecting this option will generate the fee even if this is the case.


Generate other than Fire flat fee when premiums are zero. If you select this option, a flat fee will calculate even if the other than fire and marine premiums entered are zero.


Generate other than Fire flat fee when premiums are negative. If you select this option, a flat fee will calculate even if the other than fire and marine premiums entered are negative.


Generate issuance fee when premiums are zero. If you are entering Fire and Marine premiums that are zero, this option will generate an issuance fee.


Generate issuance fee when premiums are negative. If you are entering Fire and Marine premiums that are negative, this option will generate an issuance fee.




Rollover Checkboxes on the Input Schedule from prior year. When this option is selected, any checkboxes selected in the prior year's input schedule will rollover to the current year's input schedule.




Generate license fee when premiums are negative. If you select this option, the software will calculate license fees even when premiums are negative. By default, only positive premiums will generate a fee.


If license fee set by city exceeds GA Statute, use fee set by statute. When the option is used, the population figures from the 2010 Census will be used to determine the proper license fee per state statute. If the fee charged by a municipality exceeds the statute, the fee will be limited to the statute. Any other fees such as administrative fees will not be generated because these fees are not expressly authorized by statute.




Premium Pro Municipal generates the Illinois Foreign Fire Tax as prescribed by Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-10-1. The statute indicates how the tax is to be applied. The Illinois Municipal League collects the tax on behalf of all but five municipalities.


The Illinois State module will only appear if the data file is marked as a PC company.


The Chicago return must be filed online, unless you contact the City of Chicago and indicate your intent to file a paper return.




Hide Total Municipalities. Check this option to hide the Total Municipalities return in the return tree so that the return does not display. This prevents the return from printing. The Total Municipalities line will still remain on the Summary of Taxes, Input Schedules, and Payment Request Schedule for the Annual Reconciliation.




Assess the tax on the policyholder. If this option is selected, the amounts in column 3 will be added to the totals in column 5. This option does not affect the tax liability.


Assess a Collection fee on the policyholder. If this option is selected, a collection fee will be calculated in column 4. The amount will be added to the totals in column 5. This option does not affect the tax liability.


Report Code A and B city premiums to County. After selecting this option, premiums from cities listed in the KY Office of Insurance Tax Code Descriptions having a tax code of A or B will automatically flow to the county form. After selecting this option, you will not have to input city premiums into the line for the county return (input schedule). Any additional premiums reportable to the county alone must be manually input or listed in the ASCII file. Please note: This option cannot be used if the ASCII file you are importing was created by Premium Pro Allocator.


Generate Min Tax when tax is rounded down to zero. Check this option to generate the min tax due for a municipality when the total tax due is rounded down to zero.




This would happen when you chose to display figures in dollars and had less than $1.00 in premiums.




Pay tax amount with Annual Reconciliation when tax is less than “x” amount. If you have a small amount of premiums and don't want to pay the tax each quarter, you may select this option. If the quarterly amount owed is less than the value you enter, this option transfers the amount of the quarterly taxes so that you pay them when filing the annual reconciliation.




Use tax schedule rate from LRS 22:833 when calculating all municipalities. Select this option to calculate the tax for all municipalities using the schedule prescribed by state statute.




Allocate Variance from Form 1076 Page 4 Line C


Allocate to positive premiums only. Select this option to allocate the Form 1076 variance over municipalities with positive premiums only.


Allocate to positive and negative premiums. Select this option to allocate the Form 1076 variance over all municipalities.


Plate Glass or Steamboiler Inspection Insurer. Plate glass and steamboiler inspection insurers should select this option. Selecting this option generates a tax 1/3 of the standard tax. A message will print on the return indicating that 1/3 of the tax is paid.


One-Sixth investments are in Louisiana will reduce the tax payable to 1/3 of the regular tax. This option should be checked if 1/6 of the total admitted assets of the payer are invested and maintained in qualifying Louisiana investments (LRS 22:832(B)). A message will print on the return indicating that 1/3 of the standard tax is paid.


Use Life Code rates when a PC or Risk Company has A&H premiums. When selected, the rate schedule used to generate a tax for a PC or Risk company will be the rate schedule used for a life company. For example, The PC code tax schedule for Abita Springs is X, but if the option is select, the Life code tax schedule of A will be used instead.



North Dakota

Allocate any variance from Premium Tax State Business Page. Select this option to allocate the variance from the total of lines 1, 2.1, 2.4, 3, 4 and 5.1 on the state business page.



South Carolina

Allocate any variance from the Annual Premium Tax Return. When selected, any variance between Schedule 5 of the Annual Premium Tax return and total premiums entered into the Municipal Input Schedule will be sourced to the first line of the Input Schedule as code “00 PREMIUM TAX ADJUSTMENT.” The variance will be allocated to each municipality in the Input Schedule that lists taxable premiums (negative or positive). The variance will not be allocated to premiums appearing under code 9998, Other Municipalities. As a result, the amount of premiums reported to MASC will tie to the total premiums reported in Schedule 5 of the Annual Premium Tax return.



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