Source Data Report

The Source Data report displays the data included in the Source ASCII file for easy reference. Each row contains the information for one policy.

Policy Number: This is required to identify each policy.



Premium Type: Identifies the type of premium or line of business (See Appendix C).

Source Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code: A complete address consisting of these fields must be provided to allocate a policy address.

Company Code: The field is not required and is not used in the Allocation process. The field can be used to provide additional information concerning each policy.

Source Premiums: The premiums for each policy.

Miscellaneous 1, 2, 3, and 4:  Similar to company code, the fields are optional.

Original Source Address: Contains the original source address if it was modified.

Agent’s Address: For South Carolina only.  These four columns are used to identify the Agent’s address.


The columns included in the Source Data report are as follows:


Policy Number

Premium Type

Source Street

Source City

Source State

Source Zip

Company Code

Source Premium

Miscellaneous 1

Miscellaneous 2

Miscellaneous 3

Miscellaneous 4

Original Source Address


The Source Data Report for South Carolina will include the following four fields that are displayed between Miscellaneous 4 and Source Address Changed


Agent's Street

Agent's City

Agent's State

Agent's Zip