Non-taxable Report

The Non-taxable report lists addresses that are assigned to a non-taxable municipal jurisdiction.


If the matching address meets these criteria, it is given a match code of 9998 (or 999 in Florida modules and 09999 in New York modules) and placed on the non-taxable report.



The columns in the Non-taxable report are as follows:


Policy Number

Source Street

Source City

Source State

Source Zip Code

Matched Street

Matched City

Matched State

Matched Zip

Jurisdiction Assigned To

Jurisdiction Code



Match Code

Match Description


Match Identifier

Number of Candidates

Source Premiums


Miscellaneous 1

Miscellaneous 2

Miscellaneous 3

Miscellaneous 4


The Non-taxable Report for South Carolina will include the following four fields that are displayed after Miscellaneous 4.