Transferring Policies


Address records can be transferred from one supported state to another, or from the Other Jurisdiction to one of the supported states. This allows addresses to be corrected if the source state field is incorrect or if the matched address is determined to be in a different state. If the state abbreviation in the source addresses matches the state record is transferred too, the software will re-allocate the record using the new state rather than the old state. The address will then show up on the allocation reports for the selected state. If the state abbreviation does not match, you will have to manually geocode the address from the allocation detail or match exception report.


To transfer an address record to a state:


  1. Open any report (except the Allocation Summary and County Allocation reports).
  2. Select the record or records that you wish to transfer.
  3. Right-click and select "Transfer To State"
  4. On the Transfer To State dialog box, select the state you wish to transfer the record to (if Kentucky is selected, you must also select the filing quarter).
  5. Click the Transfer button to complete the transfer.


Depending on the number of addresses selected, the transfer may take a few moments to complete. The progress bar on the Transfer To State dialog box indicates the percentage of completion.