Florida by Name
The ASCII file layout for the Florida import by municipal name is as follows:
By Municipal Name
Starting Col | Description | Length | Data Type | Valid Values |
1 | State Abbreviation | 2 | Alpha | "FL" or "fl" |
3 | Municipal Name | 32 | Alpha | Valid Municipal Name |
35 | Life | W Space Delimited | Numeric | 1 or 0 |
PC | W Space Delimited | Numeric | 1 or 0 | |
AH | W Space Delimited | Numeric | 1 or 0 | |
Title | W Space Delimited | Numeric | 1 or 0 | |
City Assigned Code | W Space Delimited | Alphanumeric | No spaces allowed in string |
The Life, PC, AH, and Title items should be included if the company is other than Life or PC, or A&H premiums are written in addition to Life or PC. A value of “1” will check the checkbox in the input schedule.