Georgia by Name
The ASCII file layout for the Georgia import by municipal name is as follows:
By Municipal Name
Starting Col | Description | Length | Data Type | Valid Values |
1 | State Abbreviation | 2 | Alpha | "GA" or "ga" |
3 | Municipal Name | 32 | Numeric | Valid Municipal Name |
35 | Premiums | W Space Delimited | Numeric | Number |
Additional Locations | W Space Delimited | Numeric | Number | |
Bus Locations with Risk | W Space Delimited | Numeric | Number | |
City Assigned Code | W Space Delimited | Alphanumeric | No spaces allowed in string |
Any amount of premiums imported will generate a fee for one business license. If additional business licenses are to be purchased for any city, the number of additional licenses should be listed in the items for Additional Locations.
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