Municipal Forms
A colored icon appears next to each form name in the navigation tree, identifying the current status of the form.
Red Icon - Do Not File.
Gray Icon - Not Updated.
The form should not be filed with taxing authority
until it has been updated and/or approved.
Green Icon - Updated. The
form has been updated and is ready for filing.
Municipal utilizes both pink calculated field and blue manual entry fields. You may view multiple returns and lock individual or all returns. Returns Instructions, Preparer Notes, Attachments, and State Contact and Filing Information can be accessed just as it is with Premium Tax.
Fields outlined in blue indicate that a hyperlink exists. Hyperlinked fields provide you with the ability to drill-down to the location in the software where the amount is sourcing from. Typically, the values sourcing into fields containing hyperlinks will come from one of the schedules listed in the Company Information area (Input Schedule, Rate Schedule, Address Schedule, etc.). To navigate to the appropriate source schedule via the hyperlink, simply move your mouse over the field with the blue outline and then right click.
When information is sourcing from a single cell on a schedule, following the hyperlink will take you to the appropriate schedule where the amount is sourced from with the specific cell highlighted.
If multiple items are included in the calculation of a particular field or if the source location is not readily apparent, a triangle in the upper right corner of the field indicates that a tool-tip is available. Tool-tips provide additional information regarding where the amounts used to generate the number are coming from. For example, a state-specific company code may appear as a pink field on the return and contain a tool-tip which reads, “Rolled over from previous year.” To access the tool-tip, hover over it with your mouse.
The calculation process is automatic. However, you may still generate a complete recalculation of municipalities by selecting Calc Active Municipalities from the Actions menu.
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