Premium Pro Supporting Features


Welcome to the Premium Pro Supporting Features Course. Through this course, you will be taken through the supporting features of Premium Pro Enterprise. Viewing Multiple Returns (scrolling), Detaching Windows, Locking/Unlocking Returns, Locking/Unlocking Jurisdictions, Return Attachments (including amending), Return Instructions, Preparer Notes, State Info, Release Notes, and Comment / Markup Features discussed.

To Begin

  1. Open the Premium Pro Workbook found under Course Resources. This information is not mandatory, but you may refer to this document if you need more detailed information regarding the course topic.
  2. Once you are done reviewing the resource section, click on the eLesson link to get started! The eLesson contains video and quiz sections to prepare you for the Final Exam.
  3. After you are comfortable with the material you learned in the eLesson, you may take your Final Exam.

Course Objectives

Course Resources

Downloadable PDF of the workbook section and Premium Pro resources are included in course.

Premium Pro Supporting Features

Now that you have had a chance to look at the workbook, let’s get going! Click the eLesson link below to begin your lesson.

You may retake this lesson and the quiz as many times as you wish before proceeding to the final exam. After completing this eLesson, click on the Final Exam link to complete this course.