2023 TriTech Advisory - SAVE THE DATE | June 19-23, 2023

See you in Reno! National Premium Tax Conference | November 15-17, 2022

November 2022

The TriTech Experience

Thank you to our clients!

Our theme in 2022 has been Investing in Relationships. We have been intentionally connecting with our team members, clients, vendors, and ministry partners, all for the purpose of building deeper, stronger, and more collaborative relationships, in a world where everyone can benefit from being seen, known, and cared for. Here at TriTech, we hope that you have felt cared for by our team members, and that this newsletter will help you realize how valued you are to us as we connect you with all that we’ve been doing to constantly innovate, serve, and grow as your Premium+ Team.

THANK YOU - Valuing our clients as people, not just customers, is still at the core of our software and service. So many of you have impacted us both personally and professionally. As the holiday season approaches, we are reminded to regularly reflect on all the blessings we are grateful for, we want each of you to know how much we appreciate you. We value your trust in us and are grateful for the opportunity you have given us to serve you.

As many of you know, earlier this year we officially launched our Client Loyalty Initiative. We’ve already enjoyed getting to show our appreciation in this new way with many of you, and we hope you’ve felt the gratitude on your end as well. If we haven’t yet got to you, please know you’re not forgotten, and we will soon!

As our 28th premium tax season, we are excited to make your busy-season the best one yet. We’ve just finished a month of company-wide quality testing for our software; our mission, to connect and make a difference, is engrained throughout our software and services products. Our annual objective is to make a difference by providing you with an up-to-date high-level premium tax experience with an unbeatable combination of features to maximize productivity and efficiency. As always, we are here, for you, ready to serve! May this tax season be your best tax season.

Meet TriTech

TriTech Ministry

Why Athens?

In 2015 the violence of the Middle East caused many of its citizens to seek refuge in Europe. Greece is seen as an entry point to Europe and Athens quickly found itself with more refugees than it could help. The journey to Greece is treacherous and deadly and for years the media has shared haunting images of its victims and survivors. This year TriTech partnered with E3, an organization that supports local relief efforts and shares the gospel. The TriTech team assisted in both missions. While in Athens we were able to participate with food distribution, housing arrangements, and most importantly, we were able to just love people, spend time with them and share God’s love for them. The stories we heard were heart breaking but we were inspired by the hope and fortitude of the refugees.

It is an unfortunate truth that this humanitarian crisis is not confined to Athens or the Middle East. The refugees of Ukraine and those on the Southern border of Texas also need help. While we wish we could personally help everyone, we know that the best way we can help is by praying and partnering with organizations that share our desire to help and love the people of the world. Below you will find a list of the organizations we work with.

TriTech in Athens

From the beginning TriTech has strived to be more than a software company. While our mission and vison statements have recently changed, at the core, they remain the same: we care about and love those around us. This love we have for people isn't limited to our team, but it extends to our clients, vendors, and all partners.

Our love for people doesn't come from us; it comes from our faith and trust in God. This faith is what leads us to serve our local, national, and global communities. This year our annual mission trip was to Athens, Greece.

Our Partners


TriTech Ministry has a new look and name! We want to reflect 4 key components of our Ministry: Pray, Love, Care & Serve. We hope you have experienced this in some way. If you ever have a need, we would love to pray for you. Submit Prayer Request and our faithful members would count it a privilege to pray for you. We will place a blue ribbon on our Prayer Tree to reflect your request and a Red Ribbon will signify it is being prayed for. We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

TriTech4 Giving

TriTech strives to give back more each and every year. Each year we have increased our giving to many valuable charities. This year, we have set a goal to increase our total giving to 10% of revenue, no matter the profit. We believe investing in things bigger than ourselves as this matters much more than the bottom line. In case you didn’t know, we match donations to several charities. If you choose to give a donation, be sure to share your receipt with us . We will match donations dollar for dollar!

TriTech4 Serving

We continued to serve the citizens in our community through Meals on Wheels & ACO as well as children around the world by volunteering with Feed My Starving Children but this year we have added a Title 1 school needing much deserved attention. This school is the least served in our city and we are serving the teachers and students to help them feel loved and not forgotten. We are helping supply teacher’s needs and looking into mentoring opportunities with the students and families.

For the first time, we also added an emphasis week this year. Choosing a different volunteer service each day of the week, the TriTech family came through! It was awesome to see over 50% participation to serve our city with litter pickup, underserved children through a local food pantry, food kits for malnourished children around the world as well as Ukraine relief kits. We are so proud of our people and their desire to help others! We look forward to Serve Week in the years to come.

TriTech4 Missions

We really stepped out of our comfort zone this year for our annual Mission Trip. We traveled across the pond to Athens, Greece to help refugees from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. We took a team of 9 people and each was an integral part of loving these people who are seeking asylum from desperate and dangerous situations. The stories the team encountered were heartbreaking but the ability to offer God’s love was so nourishing. We each came back changed in some way.

TriTech4 You

TriTech cares for you. Not only as a client but as a person. We all have celebrations and struggles. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We want you to know we care for you. If you ever have a need, a prayer concern, or just need to hear a friendly voice, we are here for you.

TriTech Advisory Meeting

  • 2022

    We had an amazing Advisory meeting in Tampa at the Florida Aquarium this summer. It was great to be back in person! As our theme stated, we do believe that we are “Better Together”. The aquarium was a fun experience for all of us. In addition to seeing some incredible aquatic animals, we had the chance to meet a sloth, an owl, and a crested Caracara. We had the opportunity to connect with each other on a personal and professional level. Thank you to those who joined us and gave valuable feedback.  

  • 2023

    Next year, we will be in Denver, CO the week of June 19th. We are expanding the conference to 3 days and 80 attendees. We hope you can join us next year!

Software and Services Updates

Stratus Update

TriTech Stratus will be the next generation of our current Premium Pro Enterprise suite of products. Fully web- based and accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, Stratus is being redesigned using the latest technology with security, reliability, and scalability in mind. Stratus will be housed in a state-of-the-art cloud infrastructure, and the code is developed using security based standards. Stratus will deliver improved performance, seamless updates, and a better overall experience for our customers.

Each of our current products will be migrated into Stratus over the next few years. There will be a parallel offering of both Premium Pro Enterprise and TriTech Stratus during the migration. Our Agent software was the first product in Stratus released in January 2022. Our next product to be delivered in Stratus will be FormsPlus. A beta test of FormsPlus is planned for November 14-November 30, 2022 and a basic version of FormsPlus is currently planned for Q1 of 2023. We anticipate Premium Tax, Municipal and Allocator will follow in 2023 and 2024.

TriTech will send out regular updates to our client about the progress and development of Stratus over the coming months. We are excited about the potential of TriTech Stratus and look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions!

TriTech Services is continuing to grow!!

You’ve been asking and we’ve been listening. As demand for our Services team has increased, we’ve been expanding personnel and intensifying training, all to increase our ability to better serve you. We’ve committed to doubling our capacity over the next 5 years.


In This Issue

Support Hours

Software Release Dates

  • FormsPlus: November 15th
  • Municipal Tax: December 1st
  • Allocator: December 1st
  • Premium Tax: December 15th

2023 Workbook

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