New York Fire Protection Districts

The New York Fire Protection Districts module may be used to allocate premiums covering risks within New York to the correct Fire Protection District for taxation. Allocator currently uses the database supplied by New York in October 2014. New York Fire does not utilize municipal boundary maps to determine where a policy should be allocated. It uses the aforementioned database. Under Section 9104, foreign and alien stock companies must file and make payments by March 1st; under Section 9105, foreign mutual companies must file and make payments by February 15th.

The allocation is determined by a database provided by the New York Department of Insurance.  If a good match is returned, the matched address is used to search the database.  For other matches, the source address is used to search the database.  

Data can be exported to New York State Fire Tax Distribution and Premium Pro Municipal. Tax amount is included in the State Fire Tax Distribution text file.  For Municipal, Allocator exports 100% of the premiums.

Source ASCII File Layout


Premium Type Codes used in the New York Fire ASCII file layout


The New York Fire Protection module does not distinguish between different premium type codes use and groups all types of premiums together, regardless of the Premium Type Code.


New York Fire:


C – Farmowners

F – Fire

H – Homeowners

I – Comprehensive Dwellings

L – Commercial Multiple Peril

M – Auto

O – Other


All other premium type codes used will default to Other.


Export to New York State Fire Tax Distribution Text File


To export allocation data to a New York State Fire Tax Distribution text file, follow these steps:

  1. Select Export from the Tools menu.

  2. In the state selection drop-down box, select "New York Fire Protection."

  3. Select the "New York State Fire Tax Distribution (*.txt)" export option.

  4. Select "Mutual Company" or "Stock Company" (see note below).

  5. Enter a five-digit NAIC number.

  6. Click the "Browse" button to select a file name for the exported data.

  7. Click the "Export" button.

Following the steps above will create a text file using the name and location you chose in Step 6 above. The file will contain the New York Fire Distribution data that you exported. You may email the file to  (which is the preferred method).


Alternatively, you may save the file to disk or CD and mail to the following address:


New York State Department of Financial Services

Office of Financial Management

One Commerce Plaza - Suite 1850

Albany, NY 12257


NOTE: For both "Mutual Company" and "Stock Company", tax amounts will be exported (premium @ 2.0%).


Additional Information


For more information regarding New York Fire Protection district taxation, please visit the following link:


New York Department of Insurance