Creating a File

To create a file, select the File Menu and choose New. Then, you will select Process File. This allows you to process a file containing all of the policyholders’ addresses.

Select the File Menu, choose New, and then choose Empty File to create an empty report file. This allows you to process one or more addresses without first processing an ASCII file.  More information on processing a single address is discussed in the process premiums help topic later in this chapter.

ASCII Source File

The ASCII source file is similar to files that can be imported into other Premium Pro products. To obtain the ASCII layout for the import file, see Appendix C or access the Help Menu. Type the words “ASCII file layout” into the help index to view the ASCII layout for each state. Print the layout for your IT department so that they may create a file in accordance with Allocator’s specifications.

Required information that must be included in the ASCII file is the policy number, physical address, and premium amount. The company code and miscellaneous fields are optional. You may only process one state at a time, so it is recommended that you limit the policies in the ASCII file to the state you are processing.

Always use a physical address.  An accurate location cannot be determined if you use a P.O. Box, Rural Route, or Highway Contract Route. If your data processing system contains both mailing and physical addresses, ensure your IT department creates the ASCII file using physical addresses.

Processing premiums in Allocator begins with the ASCII source file.  An ASCII file may be a .txt, .prn, or .csv file. Premium Pro Allocator uses this file to process policyholder data. The ASCII file can be created in fixed width (fixed length) format or in delimited format.  The file format specifications are described in the ASCII File Layout topic. The file layout can be customized using the Options dialog.


PLEASE NOTE:  It is extremely important to use physical addresses.  An accurate location cannot be determined if you use a P.O., Rural Route, or Highway Contract Route Box.  If your data processing system allows for both mailing and physical addresses, ensure your IT department creates the ASCII file using physical addresses.


Below is an example of an ASCII source file for Alabama in Fixed Length Format.


Pertinent information including policy number, physical address, and premium amount must be included to properly allocate each premium. Please note that this is an example of what a Fixed Width file might look like. Custom column widths for fields cannot exceed 250, except for the Premium Amount field which cannot exceed 25. The spacing below does not correspond to the ASCII File Layout.




Below is an example of an ASCII source file for Alabama in comma delimited format.  


Any delimiter can be used.







Below is an example of an ASCII source file for South Carolina in comma delimited format which include's the agent's address.  Please note that if an agent's address is used, it must be in delimited format.  Fixed length format does not support the agent's address.   


Any delimiter can be used.







See how to convert an Excel spreadsheet into an ASCII File>