Payment Request Help

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Payment Request Schedule

Payment Request Export

Steps to Export Payment Requests

Payment Request Schedule

Premium Pro Enterprise includes a Payment Request page, formerly referred to as the Check Request, that is displayed with the associated state return. The standard form includes various items such as the payee information and the ability to input up to six G/L descriptions, account numbers, cost centers, and amounts. The payment request description also includes the state abbreviation and tax year.


You will also now find a drop down box on the Payment Requisition Form which allows you to choose your payment method: Check, ACH Credit, ACH Debit, Credit Card, or EFT. You will also find a field for the addenda record, which may be generated when paying by ACH Credit by using the Addenda Schedule. Also, the company NAIC number can be found in the top left hand corner of the Payment Request form.


The information on the Payment Requisition Form does source in from the Payment Request Schedule, and vice versa. The Payment Request Schedule provides a convenient place for you to view all of the active payment requests in Enterprise and review your amounts due. You may also use the copy and paste feature here to fill in recurring values to avoid repetitious work.




On the Payment Request Schedule you may customize the heading names on the columns labeled 1st GL Description through 6th Amount to best suit your company needs. To do this, right click on the desired heading name and select Rename. When prompted, type in the new heading text. Once you change the column names for one company, the new headings will transfer to the Payment Requisition Forms associated with each return, as well as to all other companies you have registered to use Enterprise.


Note that when a return is amended, there is a row in the Payment Request Schedule for the original previously filed return. The row will be white and disabled to preserve the original amounts. The row for the amended filing will be pink and active.


Payment Request Export

Our Payment Request Export feature allows you to export the information in the Payment Request Schedule to an ASCII file that can then be imported into your accounts payable system. Tools>Export Payment Request


Steps to Export Payment Requests

  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Export Payment Request.

  2. Choose the Export Format (Fixed Width or Delimited). If you choose the fixed width option, you can specify a field length for each field to be exported on the Fixed Widths tab. For the delimited method, choose the character to be used to separate each field from the Delimited dropdown box.
  3. Choose which Payment Types you would like to export: Check, ACH Credit, Credit Card, EFT.
  4. Now select your preferred export options. You may choose to append exported records to an existing file, export the data in all uppercase letters to fill in the date paid field for exported records with the current date, and export amounts as whole dollars. You may also mark the exported payment requests as paid. This prevents payment requests from being exported on multiple occasions and eliminates duplicate records. When using the fixed width format, there is also an option to export leading zeros. Select Next.
  5. Choose which fields you would like to export. You may check the box to include the field names in the export file if you would like a header row to be included in the exported file. Select Next.
  6. If you are using the Fixed Width method, you may now set the widths. Select Next.
  7. Once you have finished setting up the file structure, select the file to export the information to by clicking the Browse button.

  8. Enter a Due Date or Approval Date Range for the desired payment request information. Click on the down arrow in the From and To fields to select a date.

  9. Select Preview to review the items that will be exported.

  10. By default, all items will be selected. You may uncheck any items you do not wish to export. You may also right-click on the Select column heading and choose to Select All check boxes or Deselect All check boxes in the Preview window.  


You may sort each column in ascending or descending order by left-clicking on the column headers. Note the caret indicating the status of a sorted column. !NEW


  1. Below the export items, there is a line that shows the total number of records included, and the total dollar amount of the records you have selected to export. When ready, click Export to transfer the data.



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