
The Georgia module may be used to allocate premiums covering risks within Georgia to the correct municipality for taxation.


Source ASCII File Layout


Premium Type Codes use in the Georgia Municipal ASCII file layout


The Georgia municipal return does not require a breakout of premiums by type; therefore, the Georgia module does not differentiate between Premium Type Codes in the source ASCII file and groups all allocated premiums together.



Export to Premium Pro Municipal


To export allocation data to Premium Pro Municipal, follow these steps:


  1. Select Export from the Tools menu.
  2. In the state selection drop-down box, select "Georgia."
  3. Select the "Municipal Import File (*.imp)" export option.
  4. Select the "By Municipal Code" or "By Municipal Name" option. NOTE: Remember which option you choose, so that you can select the same option when importing the data into Municipal.
  5. Click the "Browse" button to select a file name for the exported data.
  6. Click the "Export" button.


Following the steps above will create a Municipal Import file (*.imp). The contents of this file can be imported into Premium Pro Municipal by following these steps:


  1. Open the Municipal module in Premium Pro Enterprise and select the appropriate company.
  2. Select the File menu, select Import, and select ASCII.
  3. Select the import type you would like to use. This should be the same as the export type you chose in Step 4 above.
  4. Click the "Select File" button to select the file you wish to import. This should be the Municipal Import file (*.imp) that was created above.
  5. Click the "Import" button to import the contents of the selected file.


Following the steps above will import the data and generate calculations.



Additional Information

For more information regarding Georgia municipal taxation, please see the Premium Pro Municipal help files and return instructions.