New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) module may be used to allocate premiums covering risks within New York to the correct county for taxation. This Allocator module allocates to the county level, as the tax is only levied at the county level.

In the NY MTA module, all policies are allocated to the county rather than the city because the tax is based on county boundaries.

Source ASCII File Layout

Premium Type Codes

The New York MTA Surcharge applies to all types of premiums written within the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District; therefore, the New York MTA Surcharge module does not differentiate between  Premium Type Codes used in the source ASCII file and groups all allocated premiums together.

Premiums allocated to the following counties are included in the total MTA Surcharge amount:

All other premiums are excluded from the total MTA Surcharge amount.

Additional Information

For more information regarding the New York MTA Surcharge, please visit the following links:

New York Department of Insurance