South Carolina

This module can be used to perform an allocation for the South Carolina Fee and Tax Return for Property, Casualty, and Allied Lines insurers and for the Municipal Association of South Carolina (MASC) tax return.

When using the module to process fire premiums for the Fee and Tax Return, you must apply applicable percentages to the Percentage tab, which can be accessed by selecting the Tools menu and selecting Options. After processing the ASCII file and making any corrections, export the imp file by selecting the tools menu and selecting Export.  Chose Premium Pro PC Import File (*imp). All premiums processed will be exported after percentages on the percentage tab have been applied. All lines of business will be exported. When using the module to process premium for the Municipal Association of South Carolina, premiums will be exported to the imp file without the application of the percentage.  When exporting, select, Premium Pro Municipal Import File (*.imp).

MASC often requests that a second allocation for non-taxable premiums be performed based on agent address in addition to the physical address. This feature allows easier processing of the agent address for each policy. However, fixed width is not supported for this feature. It will only work with delimited files. Four additional and optional fields have been added to the delimited file format (see Appendix C).  

After processing the file and making necessary corrections, you may review the non-taxable report to determine if you want to allocate non-taxable policies a second time to the agent’s address. To do this, load the non-taxable report and click the Allocate on Agent Address button (or go to Tools>Allocate on Agent Address).   If the record contains an agent address, this address will be used to re-allocate the policy. The Agent Address Used column will be populated with an “X”.

The edit single address dialog will allow you to edit the agent address for an individual policy. The Edit Agent Address Column will allow you to select one record at a time. You may replace the existing agent address with a new one. All duplicate agent addresses for all records will be replaced when the address is updated.  


Source ASCII File Layout


Premium Type Codes used in the South Carolina ASCII file layout


The Municipal Association of South Carolina (MASC) does not return require a breakout of premiums by type; therefore, the South Carolina module does not distinguish between Premium Type Codes in the source ASCII file and groups all allocated premiums together.


SC state statutes Section 38-7-160 is the extent of state law that references municipal premium tax. The Municipal Association of South Carolina created an ordinance to be adopted by all of its members (municipalities).  Based on your legal interpretation of the statute and/or the ordinance, you may decide that the determination of the taxability of policies written by your company is not limited to the physical address of the insured.   You may use any of the optional miscellaneous fields to further identify the taxability of policies.  A copy of state statute and local ordinance has been included for you convenience.



You may choose to export data to South Carolina based on the Premium or Municipal export type. For Premium, you may export premiums after the percentages have been applied so that you are only exporting the taxable Fire premiums. For Municipal, Allocator exports 100% of the premiums.


Export to Premium Pro Municipal

To export allocation data to Premium Pro Municipal, follow these steps:

  1. Select Export from the Tools menu.

  2. In the state selection drop-down box, select "South Carolina".

  3. Select the "Municipal Import File (*.imp)" export option.

  4. Select the "By Municipal Code" or "By Municipal Name" option. NOTE: Remember which option you choose, so that you can select the same option when importing the data into Municipal.

  5. Click the "Browse" button to select a file name for the exported data.

  6. Click the "Export" button.

Following the steps above will create a Municipal Import file (*.imp). The contents of this file can be imported into Premium Pro Municipal by following these steps:

  1. Open the Municipal Module in Premium Pro Enterprise and select the appropriate company.

  2. Select File menu, Select Import, and select ASCII.

  3. Select the import option you would like to use. This should be the same as the export type you chose in Step 4 above.

  4. Click the "Select File" button to select the file you wish to import. This should be the Municipal Import file (*.imp) that was created above.

  5. Click the "Import" button to import the contents of the selected file.

Following the steps above will import the data and recalculate the SC returns.


Export to Premium Pro PC

To export allocation data to Premium Pro Allocator, follow these steps:

  1. Select Export from the Tools menu.

  2. In the state selection drop-down box, select "South Carolina".

  3. Select the "Premium PC Import File (*.imp)" export option.

  4. Click the "Browse" button to select a file name for the exported data.

  5. Click the "Export" button.

Following the steps above will create a Municipal Import file (*.imp). The contents of this file can be imported into Premium Pro Municipal by following these steps:

  1. Open the PC Module in Premium Pro Enterprise and select the appropriate company.

  2. Select the File menu, select import, and select Municipal.

  3. Select South Carolina from the list box. .

  4. Select the Name as the import option.

  5. Click the "Select File" button to select the file you wish to import. This should be the Municipal Import file (*.imp) that was created above.

  6. Click the "Import" button to import the contents of the selected file.

Following the steps above will import the data and recalculate the SC return.


Additional Information


For more information regarding South Carolina municipal taxation, please visit the following links or please see the Premium Pro Municipal help files and return instructions.


Municipal Association of South Carolina