Florida Firefighter's Pension Fund

The Florida Firefighter's Pension module may be used to allocate premiums covering risks within Florida to the correct Firefighter's Pension district for taxation (as listed on the Florida Premium Tax return - (DR-908, Schedule XII A)). Allocator utilizes data from the Florida Premium Tax Database referred to in the Florida DOR Tax Information Publications (TIP). Florida does not utilize municipal boundary maps to determine where a policy should be allocated. It uses the aforementioned database.


Source ASCII File Layout


Premium Type Codes used in the Florida Firefighter's ASCII file layout

F - Fire Premiums

X - Multiple Line Premiums.


If you utilize the X premium type code, only 70% of the premium amount will appear on the Allocation Summary report. This amount will be exported to the imp file, which is in turn imported in the Premium Pro Enterprise P&C module. If any other premium type code is used, premiums will appear on the summary report at 100%. If you have already applied the 70/30 percentage to policies appearing in your ASCII file, remember not to use the X premium type code.


If you process both Florida Fire and Police modules simultaneously (this option is available on the Process Premiums dialog), you must differentiate between Fire and Casualty Premiums. Fire and Multiple Line premiums will be processed in the Fire module, while Casualty and Multiple Line premiums will be processed in the Police module. Multiple Line premiums in the Police module will appear on the Allocation Summary report at 30%.


Export to Premium Pro P&C

To export Florida allocation data to Premium Pro P&C, follow these steps:


  1. Select Export from the Tools menu.
  2. In the state selection drop-down box, select "Florida Fire."
  3. Select the "Premium Pro P&C Import File (*.imp)" export option.
  4. Click the "Browse" button to select a file name for the exported data.
  5. Click the "Export" button.


Following the steps above will create a Premium Pro P&C Import file (*.imp). The contents of this file can be imported into Premium Pro P&C by following these steps:


  1. Load the P&C annual module in Premium Pro Enterprise and select the appropriate company.
  2. Select the File Menu, select Import, and then select Municipal.
  3. Select "Florida Firefighter's Pension" from the list box.
  4. Select "By Code" as the import option.
  5. Click the "Select File" button to select the file you wish to import. This should be the Premium Pro P&C Import file (*.imp) that was created above (NOTE: You may need to change the "Files of type" drop-down box to display *.imp files).
  6. Click the "Import" button to import the contents of the selected file.


Following the steps above will import the contents of the import file to the Florida return (DR-908, Schedule XII A).


Additional Information

For more information regarding Florida Firefighter's Pension Fund taxation, please visit the following links:


Florida Office of Insurance Regulation


Florida Department of Revenue