TriTechAllocation Services
Allocation (Geocoding/Risk Location)
TriTech’s Allocation Service is designed to allocate premiums accurately to the correct taxing jurisdictions. The physical location of each address is compared to the geographic boundaries of all municipalities within the state to determine the correct taxing jurisdictions of the policyholder.
- Cost-effective solution particularly for smaller amounts of premium data.
- Even the smallest company can afford professional quality service.
- Receive proper allocation using Geo-Coding.
- We guarantee a 72-hour turn around time.
- Import files for Premium & Municipal Tax Software included.
- We generate all the necessary reports and files for you.
- Avoid state penalties for misallocation.
- SSAE 16 – Type II Compliant (formerly SAS 70).
- Verified vendor for a risk location system as defined by the Kentucky bill HB 524.
- You give us your policy level data – We can take an Excel Sheet or text file.
- We will format data as necessary – No extra work getting that data into a specific format.
- Policy level results provided.
- A summary report used for preparing Municipal and Premium Tax returns.
- An exception report indicating problem addresses.
- Import files for either Premium Pro Municipal or Premium Tax.
- You can correct addresses and we will re-allocate if necessary.
- Level of Service (Prep/Review Only/Full)
- Premium and Municipal Filings
- Number of companies
- Number of states

Supported States
Utilizing advanced mapping technology, Premium Pro Allocator assigns premiums to the correct taxing jurisdiction based on policyholder address rather than zip code. We support several different states:
South Carolina
New York
North Dakota