Match Exceptions Report

A  Match Code of 2 or greater means a reliable address was not returned by Allocator.  This occurs if the addresses in your ASCII file are invalid or incomplete. It also may occur if your ASCII file is not formatted correctly.

The Match Exceptions report lists all such addresses. This report lists the policy number, source address, matched address, municipality assigned to, municipal code, county, city, match code/description, match identifier, number of candidates, source premiums and four miscellaneous columns. You can use this report to identify poor addresses that need to be corrected, geo-coded and re-allocated.  (See Correcting Addresses.)

Any record that is flagged in the Exception column will be included on this report. An “X” will appear in this column if the source address contains incomplete data (missing street, city, or zip code).  It is possible, for a good match to be returned even if the source address is missing a city name or a zip code (but, not both).

The columns in the Match Exceptions report are as follows:


Policy Number

Source Street

Source City

Source State

Source Zip Code

Matched Street

Matched City

Matched State

Matched Zip

Jurisdiction Assigned To

Jurisdiction Code



Match Code

Match Description


Match Identifier

Number of Candidates

Source Premiums

Miscellaneous 1

Miscellaneous 2

Miscellaneous 3

Miscellaneous 4