Audit Report

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Audit Report Popup Audits Audit Frame


Audits Report

This report under the Reports menu will alert you to any items that need to be addressed before processing and completing a state return. (Report>Audit Report)


This report mirrors the information on the jurisdiction specific Audit Frame. These alerts may include such items as state specific ID numbers, required fields, EFT requirements, or important state statutes regarding a return’s calculations.


All overrides in the rate schedule will generate system audits.




Enterprise automatically sets the Severity and Status of your audits, although you have the ability to change this information to better streamline your return preparation process. To do so, click on the dropdown arrow in the field on the Audit Report you wish to change and select the appropriate information.


Severity Choices Status Choices
HIGH (will popup when OPEN) OPEN
MEDIUM (will not popup) RESOLVED
LOW (will not popup) N/A (You may use this status to ignore a HIGH severity audit so it will not popup.)
INFORMATIONAL (will not popup)  


Severity Choices Status Choices HIGH (will popup when OPEN) OPEN MEDIUM (will not popup) RESOLVED LOW (will not popup) N/A (You may use this status to ignore a HIGH severity audit so it will not popup.) INFORMATIONAL (will not popup)


When you change the severity of an audit, you have the choice to apply the change to only the return for the current company, that return for all companies, or that return for all companies in a company group.



Audits that are set to a severity of HIGH and a status of OPEN will popup when you first open your return. If wish to turn off popup audits, you may ignore them by checking the option in your user options. (Tools>Options>User Options)


Once you address and fix the audit issue, the Status will be marked as RESOLVED. As long as the issue still exists, the Status will be marked as OPEN. However, users have the ability to override this information. When a user changes the Severity or Status, the text in those fields will be red.


The user that updated the status will be listed in the Changed By column on the Audit Report. The date and time the status change was made will be listed in the Changed At column. When the Severity is modified, you can hover your mouse over the field to see a tooltip listing the user that made the change and the time it was made. Note that this information can be updated from the Audit Frame, as well as the Audit Report.


If you double-click on the row of the audit, you will be taken to the page of the return the audit is referring to so you can update the return as necessary.


For information on Sorting and Filtering reports, please see the corresponding help topic.


Popup Audits

When you open a return, a pop-up audit box will appear to notify you of certain items that need to be addressed on that particular return. Items on the Audit Report that have a severity of HIGH and a status of OPEN will appear on the popup audits. As mentioned above, you may ignore popup audits by checking the option in your user options. (Tools>Options>User Options)




You may press the copy button copy.PNG to copy the audit information and then paste it into a text file, which you can save or print. You may turn off popup audits by checking the option to ignore them in your user options. (Tools>Options>User Options)


Audit Frame

The Audit Frame provides an easy way to view important items that may need to be addressed before processing and completing a return. Return audits are now available via the Audit Frame. Audits alert you to items that need to be looked at prior to filing a return.


The Audit Frame lists all audits for the jurisdiction of the return you are viewing, grouped by return. In addition to the audit description, there are editable columns for the status of each audit (Open, Resolved, or NA) and the severity of each audit (High, Medium, Low, or Informational).


Expanding an audit will provide you with additional audit details including the page of the item in question, the category, notes, and columns to track who the audit was changed by and what time the audit was changed at. You may enter your own notes in the note field by double clicking on it.




A red square icon indicates that the audit issue has not been resolved according Premium Pro, and a green square indicates that the audit issue has been fixed according to the software. However, since users can modify this information, a red icon may be marked as resolved.


If an open audit is set to high severity, it will pop up upon opening the associated return unless you have the option selected to ignore pop up audits. The audits icon is colored coded based on the status and severity of each audit.





You may print audits by state by clicking on the Print Audits button in the Audit Frame. You may choose to print the audit list to your printer or to PDF. The status, severity, and description will be printed for each audit.



You may add a custom audit by clicking the Add Custom Audit button in the Audit Frame or by going the Actions Menu and choosing Add Custom Audit. Read more about custom audits here.



See more about Return Audits here.


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