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Return Status Schedule

Return Status Schedule by State

Return Status Schedule

The Return Status Schedule shows the status of each return in the tree, including the due date, amount due, when a payment was paid, payment type, preparer, reviewer, if there are open audits, if the return can be efiled, when the return was efiled, when the return was amended, etc.



By default, the Return Status Schedule shows the status of all returns for the module you are in, but you can filter it to display information only for the jurisdictions you wish to view. Data flows from the returns and other areas of the software into this schedule, but the schedule itself is not editable.



You may right-click on a row and choose Open to open the associated return.


Column Details:



Return Status Schedule by State !NEW

You may also view the information found in the Return Status Schedule on a state by state basis by going to the Return Status Schedule by State. This schedule is identical to the Return Status Schedule, but it may be more convenient to isolate the information you are looking for by state.



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