Municipal Import
An ASCII file, which is used to import premiums and other data into the Municipal Module input schedules, may be created using one of the three following methods.
Create an ASCII file according to the specifications contained in this appendix.
Export data from the Premium module. The Annual software will create an ASCII file that can be subsequently imported into Municipal.
Export data from Premium Pro Allocator. Allocator creates an ASCII file that can be imported into Municipal.
The ASCII File Import Method |
(By Municipal Code or By Municipal Name) |
Two different layouts can be followed when creating an ASCII file. The first layout is By Municipal Name. Each line of the ASCII file lists the municipality name, followed by other data to be imported. To import a file created with the municipal name layout, select the correct import type from the import dialog box. If you select By Municipal Code from the dropdown list, you will receive an error message. No information will be imported. |
The second layout is By Municipal Code. Each line of the ASCII file lists the municipal code of each city, followed by other data to be imported. Some state governments have assigned municipal codes to each city. If the state has not assigned a code, TriTech has defined codes for each municipality in the state. Please refer to the Input Schedules for each state for a listing of the municipal codes and names. |
Importing an .txt file |
(From Annual Premium Tax Module) |
The state returns for Louisiana (Form 1076) and Georgia (GID-17A) both have pages listing municipalities and taxes or fees. If you have already completed these forms in the Annual Premium Tax Module, you may export this data to an ASCII file. The software will create an ASCII file using the By Municipal Code layout. This ASCII file has an extension of .txt. After you have exported the data from Premium Pro Life or PC, import the .txt file into the Municipal software. Select the import option By Municipal Code from the import dialog box. |
Importing an .imp file |
(From Allocator) |
Premium Pro Allocator allocates insurance policies to the correct municipality. After allocation, you may create an ASCII file with an extension of .imp. Like the ASCII file created by the Annual Software, the .imp file is already in a file format that can be imported into Municipal. Allocator allows you to create an ASCII file in either layout (By Municipal Code or the By Municipal Name). |
Importing Directly from Premium Tax Module |
(From Premium Tax Module) |
If you have already completed Form 1076 for Louisiana in the Premium Tax Module, you may import the data directly into Municipal by selecting File>Import>Import Premium 1076. |
Each line contains all the information of one municipality and must end with a carriage return line feed. Negative numbers are designated by placing a minus sign immediately preceding the number. No null characters are allowed.
The first three fields of each line are always required. These fields have a specific starting position and length. Additional items in each line are not required for the ASCII file to be valid. However, these items may be necessary to calculate the correct tax for each municipality. These items do not have a specified starting position or length. Each of these items is separated by one or more white spaces (and consequently, cannot contain a white space).
All items in a list must be assigned a value. If premiums have not been written in a municipality, a zero must be assigned to the item. Otherwise the next item in the list will be imported to the wrong column in the input schedule.
The city assigned code is any alphanumeric string that may be assigned to your company by the city.
Refer to each state’s Municipal Input Schedule to obtain a valid list of taxable municipalities and municipal codes. Invalid names and codes will be imported to the input schedule as “9998 Other Municipalities.”
Click the state name below to see the ASCII file layout specifics.
By Municipal Code |
By Municipal Name |
North Dakota - N/A |
Please note for New Jersey, the municipal code and town name must be included in the ASCII file, and the town names must match the input schedule.
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